Time to get involved
Saturday, 22 September 2018
Blog of the Year Finalist 2018
After a number of years on the long list and then the short list, The Irish Broadcasting Hall of Fame blog has made the finals at the 2018 Irish Blog Awards with the ceremony to be held in late October. The month will be a pivotal month in the history of the archiving of Irish broadcasting history. More details will be announced on October 2nd 2018.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Delivered by Eddie Bohan at the Sarah Lungberg Summer School 2017
All pirates by their nature are political pirates as they seek to
change the status quo of the airwaves.
The use of pirate radio to disseminate political propaganda goes back
to the first embers of the Irish state. Former Government Minister Conor Cruise O’Brien quotes
“It was of course illegal, both under the domestic laws of the state in
which occurred and under the international radio regulation then governing
wireless telegraphy. It was also war propaganda, the transmission of words to
win support for violent action, and like most war propaganda it was designedly
inaccurate and misleading. The painful conclusion is I think inescapable
broadcasting was conceived in sin. It is a child of wrath. There is no knowing
what it may get up to.”
Pirate radio has had a profound influence on Irish politics and Irish
history and these pirate radio broadcasts have ended a Government’s ability to
retain power and hastened the end of a controversial politician. Without pirate
radio Albert Reynolds, Bertie Ahern and Brian Cowan may never have held the
position of Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister). Bold claims but facts back these
When Charlie Haughey called a General Election in June 1981 even if his
Fianna Fail party had never achieved the landslide of his predecessor Jack
Lynch in 1977, his party were hot favourite to return to power but enter pirate
radio and in particular H Block Radio and Sinn Fein Radio. At the height of the
hunger strike crisis in the Maze Prison and following the election of Bobby
Sands as an MP to the British Parliament, the H Block movement ran or supported
nine candidates in the June 1981 General Election but the as a result of the strict
implementation of Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act these candidates were
denied access to the broadcast media. In many of the constituencies where these
candidates ran, their local campaigns sourced transmitters and set up pirate
radio stations to broadcast their campaign message and more importantly to
encourage voters to come out and vote for their candidates.
The H Block candidates garnered 15% of the first preference vote. As a
result Kieran Doherty in Cavan Monaghan who would later die on Hunger Strike
and the election of Paddy Agnew denied Charles Haughey a route back into power
and a Fine Gael Garret Fitzgerald led coalition came to power.
Pirate radio had by the late seventies and early eighties spread
through cities, towns, villages and even parishes as a not fit for purpose 1926
Wireless Telegraphy was deemed flawed allowed illegal stations to flourish. The
stations had been widely used during the campaign by the main political parties
with many candidates being interviewed live on current affairs programmes. Despite
their illegality, the professional pirate stations were ratings successes
especially amongst the younger population. The Fine Gael/Labour coalition
failed to hold onto power and another General Election was called for in
February 1982 and by now super pirates like ERI in Cork and Sunshine Radio and
Radio Nova in Dublin were topping the ratings and while many illegal stations
adhered to Section 31 and refused to let Sinn Fein leaning candidates access to
the airwaves political instability continued as Haughey returned to power with
the support of Independents like Tony Gregory but once again by November that
year his Government had collapsed and another general election would return a
stable Fine Gael led coalition. But by November 1982 RTE were issuing
ultimatums to politicians of all parties that if they appeared on pirate radio
they would not be allowed onto the national airwaves.
Margaetta D’Arcy of Radio Pirate Woman in stated in an interview that
they were breaking real taboos by ignoring censorship. ‘The political climate
at the time was one of increased demonization of subversives. Government policy
insisted that Sinn Fein be totally isolated and boycotted. Not only did the
broadcasting act exclude its members from the airwaves but local politicians
were forbidden by their parties to sit on committees with democratically
elected Sinn Fein councillors. When giving airtime to Mary McGing we were
effectively smeared as a ‘Provo front’ by every
mainstream party in Galway .
Radio Pirate Woman on 107mhzFM was a feminist radio station that
broadcast sporadically since March 8th 1989. The idea of Margareta
D’Arcy the station has been located in Galway
broadcasting by women for women and she also took on controversial subjects
including travellers rights and Republican causes. The station earned the wrath
of the Government of the day in its first year by broadcasting interviews with
Republicans in contravention of Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act.
Radio Saor Connemara - 188m was a pirate broadcaster set up in Connemara by a pressure group who was demanding an Irish
language station. The title of the station translated as ‘Free Radio Connemara ’ and broadcasts began on March 28th
1970. RTE had failed to increase the amount of airtime given to the native
tongue as they were trying to accommodate all sections of society. It would be
another two years before the Gaeltacht got their own legal station when Radio
na Gaeltachta went on air on April 2nd 1972.
The west of Ireland
wasn’t the only area demanding Irish language broadcasting and more pirates
took to the air. In Dublin
Radio Na Phobail on 200m opened in a blaze of publicity in December 1980.
Broadcasting from studios located on Harcourt
Street , the station was intended to be an all
Irish language and music station. Unfortunately the station suffered from low
power and technical setbacks and disappeared from the airwaves in the summer of
Radio Na Gael on 222mMW & 90.2mhzFM went on air on Easter Monday of
April 1984. The station broadcast a diet of Irish traditional music and
continued on air until December 1986 when RTE sought and injunction against the
station claiming that their name closely resembled RTE’s Radio Na Gaeltachta
forcing the station to close.
The Broadcasting Act was implemented by Fianna Fail Minister Gerry
Collins and strengthened by Fine Gael Minister Conor Cruise O’Brien in 1977.
The legislation prevented candidates of illegal paramilitary organisations such
as The I.R.A. and Sinn Fein appearing on the airwaves. The operators of the
illegal stations did not wish to antagonise the authorities and they too
refused to allow candidates representing these organisations to appear on their
stations. The use of Section 31 became farcical when television began showing
people like Gerry Adams being interviewed but using an actor to dub the voice.
In the Cavan - Monaghan Kieran Doherty was a candidate and a prisoner in the
Maze Prison in Belfast
and along with others including Bobby Sands were on hunger strike. Doherty's
local organising committee set up their own pirate radio station to circumvent
the ban on their candidate and provide his campaign with some valuable airtime.
Doherty and another IRA prisoner Paddy Agnew in Louth were elected on June 11th
1981 as T.D’s thus preventing an over all majority to the incumbent Haughey
Government. Doherty would die on hunger strike on August 2nd 1981.
The Haughey minority Government fell and a Fine Gael/Labour coalition
lasted until February 1982 when a proposed tax on shoes brought down the
Government. The candidates were still using the pirates especially those
broadcasting in the rural towns. Fianna
Fail went one step further than advertising on pirate radio stations they set
up one of their own. Election Radio broadcasted for the duration of the
campaign on 102 MHz and was set up with equipment borrowed from Eamonn Cooke at
Radio Dublin .
Radio Nova's first general election coverage was the February 1982
campaign although there had been an election in June 1981, Radio Nova had not
yet established itself even though the political parties extensively used other
pirate radio stations to get their various messages across to the voters. In
February 1982 Radio Nova was used by the parties. Early in the campaign The
Evening Herald reported that Fianna Fail were about to use Radio Nova for an
extensive media campaign. The plan was that Nova newsreader David Harvey would
interview a leading party candidate, Albert Reynolds, and that tape would be
sent around the country to various radio stations for rebroadcast. The main
opposition party Fine Gael condemned the Fianna Fail plans and the campaign was
shelved. Reynolds did give an interview to Sunshine Radio.
Although officially most of the main parties avoided using the pirate
radio stations under pressure from R.T.E., unofficially candidates still
appeared on the stations and advertisements were ran. On one of Nova's current
affairs programmes, Fine Gael candidate Jim Mitchell appeared along side the
Provisional Sinn Fein candidate for the Dublin
South Central constituency. This appearance of the Sinn Fein candidate was in
direct contravention of Section 31. Nova claimed that this legislation only
applied to R.T.E. but after the furore caused by this, Nova decided to refrain
from giving further opportunities to illegal organisations.
Charles Haughey was back in power with the support of a number of
Independents but the Government was short lived and the country went to the
polls again in November 1982. Nine months is a long time in politics and so it
was in Irish broadcasting. Pirate radio was now extremely successful not only
in the capital but in regional cities like Cork ,
Limerick and Galway and even in smaller towns
the pirate was king. The Mayor of Sligo
Michael Carroll said of the pirates,
‘It may be illegal in
the eyes of the law but it’s a great facility for the people of the town.’
Speaking in January 1982 Limerick ’s Mayor
‘Some of them (the
pirates) are giving a better service than RTE’.
But RTE had another trick up its sleeves when dealing with wayward
politicians who in their eyes supported law breaking.
The main political parties had avoided using the pirates during the
February 1982 campaign. The larger stations reduced their election coverage to
news bulletins with coverage plagiarised from RTE's news service. The nearest
many of the stations got to election coverage were advertisements ran advising
people to go out and vote. As in other election campaigns, Sinn Fein opened
their own radio station this time in Dublin
but the station seemed to attract little attention.
As soon as the November 1982 election was called, the unions at R.T.E.
issued an ultimatum to the politicians,
"Go on the
pirates and we at R.T.E. will permanently prevent you from appearing on
This was not a management decision but was taken by the unions who
feared that the rising popularity of the pirates and the lacks of political
will to tackle the problem would lead to job losses at the national
broadcaster. The same ultimatum had been issued during the June election but
had been ignored. A series of meetings between union representatives, RTE
management and political handlers meant that candidates of the main political
parties stayed clear of the pirates and their election coverage. The illegal
stations were left with independent and community candidates to interview. For
the bigger stations this was not the kind of election coverage that they had
hoped for or that would draw large audiences. To be fair the candidates that
they did interview would not have been granted airtime on RTE as the national
broadcaster considered them to small to be given airtime.
During the November campaign one of the Dublin pirates was accused of a political
'con'. Sunshine Radio played a tape of an interview with Albert Reynolds T.D.
but the station failed to inform the listeners that the interview had been
recorded during the previous election campaign. As a result Mr. Reynolds could
have been banned from R.T.E. but for the fact that Sunshine Radio later
admitted that they omitted to inform their listeners that the interview was
recorded at an earlier campaign.
At a press conference given by the Fianna Fail party at their
headquarters on Mount Street
during the campaign, a pirate radio station journalist who was attending the
conference was asked to leave after R.T.E. staff attending the press conference
objected to his presence.
turning on journalists" was how one newspaper described the events. This
incident was characterised by a newspaper cartoon portraying the pirate radio
reporter hiding under a table doing his report. Some of the pirate stations did
try to recover some of the lost ground when the election count was taking place
but the pressure had taken its toll and pirate stations would not be able to
cover elections in the future to the same extent as they had in the past.
H Block Radio - 298mMW
Subversive organisations, paramilitaries and their political wings
struggled to get their message on the airwaves as Section 31 of the
Broadcasting Act forbade their appearance on radio and television. In 1979
through to 1981, IRA prisoners jailed in Belfast ’s
H Blocks were protesting seeking political status which the British Government
of Margaret Thatcher continually refused. Their protest ranged from dirty
protests when the smeared the cells with their own excreta and a number of
hunger strikes. On December 6th 1980, Sinn Fein launched H Block
Radio in Dublin
to spread their propaganda but the station was sporadic and vanished from at
airwaves in spring 1981. The group changed tactics after this by invading
established pirate radio stations and broadcasting their material until they
were ejected by Gardai.
Radio Na Fianna Eireann - 257mMW
This was the station name used by supporters of the IRA who seized the
studios of Radio City on Capel Street . The seizure took place on
April 23rd 1981 and ended when the Gardai forced their way into the
Radio Sinn Fein- 295mMW
A station set up in the Leitrim constituency during the June 1981
General Election. The station was on air from June 18th -28th
of that year. The candidate for that election was Joe McDonnell who died on
hunger strike at the Maze prison.
Radio Sinn Fein - 200mMW
A station set up in the Waterford
constituency during the June 1981 General Election. The station was on air from
June 18th -28th of that year. The candidate for that
election was Kevin Lynch who died on hunger strike at the Maze prison.
Radio Section 31 - 88mhzFM
This station was organised by supporters of a paramilitary organisation
in January and February 1988 as members of prescribed organisations were banned
from the national airwaves.
Gnomes of Ulster
- 1556khzAM
Located in South Belfast GNU opened on
June 20th 1972.This station seemed to have no political motivation the
operators of the station found the name for the station from a Dutch anarchist
group. Also known as GNU Radio
Radio Big Jim - 227mMW
This station was also known as Radio Ajax
and went on the air after BBC Radio One went off the air from a location in Belfast .
In 1970 Saor Radio Connemara attempted to demonstrate the need for an
Irish language radio stations aimed at the native speakers especially in the Connemara Gaeltacht. The Government eventually set up
Radio Na Gaeltachta under the umbrella of RTE in 1972. In 1987 a similar
campaign was initiated to have a television service created. Operating from the community hall at Rosmuc,
Co. Galway , Telifis Na Gaeltacht broadcasted
programmes solely in the Irish language. The station went on air on Friday
October 2nd 1987 and on that opening weekend broadcast programmes specially
made for the station by filmmaker Bob Quinn. On opening night a gala concert
held at the Community Hall was broadcast live on the station. That first Sunday
saw the transmission of a special Mass from the local parish church dedicated
to the memory of the late musician Sean O'Riada. The stations transmitter was
built by Dubliner Norbert Payne and had a radius of fifteen miles. The idea for
a pirate station dedicated to the native language came following a visit by
some locals to the Faroe Islands off the coast of Scotland . This Danish controlled
territory set up their own illegal television station Gothab TV following Copenhagen refusal to
give them a station. Irish language television did not legally arrive in Ireland
until 1996 when T na G (Telifis Na Gaeltacht) was launched.
Saturday, 15 September 2018
Irish Pirate Radio - It's time to tell your story in your own words.
October 20th 2-5pm
Ballsbridge Hotel Dublin 4
Free Tickets available at eventbrite.ie
30 years after the close down of the pirate radio stations let's celebrate the era that made radio so great in Ireland.
Join us in December 2018 on a radio with memories and more from 88 and before.
Send your questions to reception@radio.ie
Links: Irish Broadcasting Hall of Fame - DX Archive -
Wireless on Flirt FM
Friday, 14 September 2018
Transnational Radio History from Ireland
This is the lecture I delivered to the Summer School on Transnational Radio History delivered at the University of Luxembourg in June 2018.
Eddie Bohan
In 1916 during the iconic and momentous events of the Easter
Rising, Ireland
became the first nation in the world to be declared by radio and since that
historic moment Irish broadcasting history has been chequered to say the least.
Ireland ’s
first venture into broadcasting was not aimed at a domestic audience but an
audience outside the jurisdiction. [1]
Following the arrival of a state broadcaster in the guise of
2RN in 1926, the Irish state added a powerful 10KW transmitter located in Athlone
which opened for the 1932 Catholic Church’s Eucharistic Congress.This powerful transmitter’s coverage allowed all of Ireland to
listen to 2RN later to be renamed Radio Eireann but it also provided an opportunity
for the Government to generate much needed finances for cash starved State
According to a January 1933 edition of the Irish Radio News magazine,
a new entity The International Broadcasting Company was formed ‘to handle the
advertisement side of the station’s activities’. The then Irish Minister for
Posts and Telegraphs signed the contract with The IBC on August 23rd 1933.
The IBC was the brainchild of entrepreneur and British Conservative
MP Leonard Plugge. He had identified a new radio market with programmes aimed
at the British audiences from transmitters located outside that jurisdiction.
His first venture was Radio Normandie which was initially a small low powered
private radio station located in the North of France. Under his direction, a
high powered transmitter was installed and broadcasts were aimed at London and the South of
England. Lord Reith who ran BBC Radio at that time believed that Sunday
broadcasts from the Corporation should be of a sedate, religious nature and
this opened up an opportunity for Plugge to launch a commercial alternative.
Normandie was extremely popular with listeners and advertisers. The station
proved to be a major challenge for the BBC and it was only the intervention of
the Second World War that curbed the private broadcasting boom. A second
station opened to broadcast into London and that
was Radio Luxembourg
located in the Grand Duchy which would continue on its famous 208 frequency
into the 1980s.
Plugge increased the availability of his sponsored programmes
into the western half of Britain
especially to cities like Manchester and Liverpool by utilising the new powerful Athlone
transmitter. He rented airtime in the evenings from 9 – 11pm and to sweeten the
pot for the capitalistic Plugge, Radio Eireann extended the available hours
from November 1933 to include 1-4pm on Sunday afternoons. There were however many
complaints within Ireland
about the programming especially both the music being played and the products
being advertised and as the contract expired on May 22nd 1934 it was not
renewed by the Government. The sponsored programmes ceased except for one who
did a direct deal with the Irish Government it being the infamous Irish Hospital ’s
sweepstakes. They knew from their research that the broadcasts were working in
the UK as sales of their tickets continued to soar and so continued to sponsor
a half hour show each night from ten o’clock. [2]
Generating finance was at the heart of these broadcasts into Britain
as both Plugge and his IBC were selling advertising and Radio Eireann was
making money from selling the airtime. The cost for Plugge’s sponsorship was
listed as £120 per hour, £70 for a half hour, £55 for 20mins or £45 for
15minutes. The Irish Government’s decision to sell airtime meant that from
earning £220 in advertising revenue in 1932, a year later the station had
earned £22,000, a lifeline for the cash strapped station. Unfortunately for the
station itself this new found wealth came at a price as the Government reduced
the percentage of the licence fee paid to the station to finance its
In July 1938, Robert Silvey [3]who
had been hired by the BBC to analyse listener research, secretly reported to
his bosses at Portland Place, BBC Headquarters that Radio Athlone’s largest
proportion of listeners was not in Ireland but in the North West of England in
Liverpool and Manchester this was attributed to the sponsored programmes and
the ex-pat community in those areas. As a result of these findings and to
compete with the success of Radio Athlone, the BBC’s Northern Regional
transmitter network and finances were significantly expanded.
Transnational broadcasting is often closely associated with
Radio Luxembourg and the
pirate radio ship Radio Caroline broadcasting from international waters into Britain .
Caroline has a deeply Irish connection as its founder Ronan O’Rahilly is Irish
born and a grandson of the 1916 Easter Rising leader Michael O’Rahilly. The
original Caroline ship was fitted out as a radio station at Greenore Port
in Co. Louth near Dundalk owned by Ronan’s
family. In fact two ships were fitted out in the port at the same time Radio
Caroline and Radio Atlantis.
In 1968 Ireland
signed up to the European agreement for the prevention of broadcasting
transmitted from stations outside national territories. This Act was designed
to scupper any plans to launch a pirate radio ship off the coast of Ireland broadcasting into the west coast of Britain .
Broadcasting it was feared would quickly become chaotic in the absence of
orderly allocation and use of the wavelengths available. The
misappropriation of frequencies by pirate stations would not be tolerated.
Frequencies and stations would then be subject to Government control and if any
of them caused serious interference to services in another country, the matter
could then be raised through official channels at the EBU and ITU. According to
the Irish Government at the time the Act was required to honour our obligations
under the Council of Europe Agreement, to safeguard the effectiveness of our
emergency services and communications, to protect the rights of artists, performers, et
cetera, and the financial survival of our broadcasting service. It is aimed,
not at “pop” or any other kind of programmes, but simply at unregulated
broadcasting by people responsible to nobody but themselves.[4]
Despite the fears that pirate radio ships raised for the
Irish Government an inertia crept in and a 1926 Act became unfit for purpose
which allowed pirate radio stations to proliferate and thrive across Ireland .
The border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland was not just a contentious
border (and still is) between two nations but also a border between two
different broadcasting regimes. In the six counties the listener’s choice in
the 1980’s was BBC Radio Northern Ireland and the commercial Downtown
Radio. The border counties of Louth, Cavan Monaghan and Donegal became the new
Mi Amigo’s of broadcasting as entrepreneurs began to set up pirate radio
stations with studios and transmitters located just south of the border beaming
their transmissions into Northern
Ireland tapping into a lucrative advertising
market monopolised by Downtown Radio.
In the 1980’s the Irish Government began receiving high level
complaints from the British authorities and those in Belfast regarding this new
threat referred to as ‘border blasters’. These illegal stations also attracted
the wrath of the authorities at the European Broadcasting Union who complained
that the Irish Government at the time were doing nothing to close these
stations and demanded that they take immediate steps to prevent these stations
aiming their illegal signals across a border into another nation in a
clandestine attempt to garner advertising revenue to the detriment of in situ
stations. This perhaps seemed slightly ironic as the same EBU turned a blind
eye to the likes of the U.S.
who funded Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe who beamed their propaganda
signals into Russia from Europe . [5]
The Government assured their European counterparts that
legislation was being prepared but internal and unstable politics at the time
would put of legislation replacing the outdated 1926 Acts until 1988 when a new
Wireless Telegraphy Act. Some of the stations that were deemed border blasters
included Borderside Radio broadcasting from Castleblaney County Monaghan,
Breffni Radio in Cavan and Radio Carousel in Dundalk all broadcasting into Northern Ireland .
Kiss FM began broadcasting in March 1985 to Craigavon in Northern Ireland
and was the brainchild of Miles Johnson[6]. The station immediately came under
pressure from the authorities in Northern Ireland and they decided
to move their operation south of the border. Their transmitter was relocated to
the Broughton Mountains
in Co. Monaghan and studios in Monaghan
Town . Their five kilowatt
transmitter directed the station’s signal into Belfast . When the new stricter Wireless
Telegraphy Act was introduced in late 1988 Kiss made their last broadcast at
6pm December 30th 1988. The final words were left with station
manager and former Radio Caroline, Nova and Sunshine broadcaster Tom Hardy. As
six o’clock approached he delivered a list of thanks to those involved and
advertised who had assisted the stations. Hardy quoted lyrics from their final
song by the Christians,
Before you point the finger
And hope the whole thing disappears
Remember empty words will fall
And fall upon the deafest ears
And hope the whole thing disappears
Remember empty words will fall
And fall upon the deafest ears
(As they saying goes ‘there was still
money in them there hills’ advertising money and Kiss returned to the airwaves
in January 1989 despite the new stricter legislation broadcasting once again into
Northern Ireland from transmitters located in both Monaghan and Louth but following
pressure from the Department of Communications the station closed voluntarily
in May.)
Yet in January 1989 Kiss was on air again this time from
within Northern Ireland but when
the British DTI raided the stations transmitter site at Tamry Hill in County Down
they moved their operation yet again back to the southern side of the border.
In 2003 it ran foul of the law again and according to a Irish Independent
newspaper report (August 16th
Watters, Edentubber was accused of making his premises available and
enabling/permitting his electricity to be used by the unlicensed broadcasters
of Kiss FM and Wild FM. Niall McCaughey, an authorised officer with the
Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) told Justice Brennan that a
defunct system previously used to broadcast Kiss FM was found to be interfering
with landing procedures at Belfast City Airport.
McCaughey visited Edentubber on March 21st 2003 and monitored radio signals and
discovered unlicensed broadcasts coming from a site on land that Watters was
looking after for his cousin.
(However, on September 22nd 2004 the
commission received a complaint from OFCOM in the UK
stating that the airport in Belfast
was receiving interference and that they traced the source to Edentubber.
Mr. McCaughey determined that the
interference was coming from the property he visited previously and once again
called to Edentubber. Two stations, Wild FM and Kiss FM had been broadcasting
from the site but the latter was now no longer airing and it turned out that a
faulty transmitter was causing the interference. Mr. McCaughey obtained a
search warrant from Ardee District Court and entered the lands and switched off
the transmitter. He was then able to confirm that the interference subsequently
Another powerful station broadcasting from the Republic into Northern Ireland with its signal aimed at Belfast was KITS on FM
& AM and was the brainchild of Frank McCarthy. Located again in County Monaghan
the station name came from the fact that McCarthy built transmitters and had
bits of ‘kit’ lying around the house. He managed to get a jingle package from a
similar station in San Francisco
and was air from 1987 until December 1988. McCarthy himself was accidentally
killed while working on a transmitter in 1998. Some of the staff at the station
included Gareth O’Connor who is now a TV news producer at TV3 and David Blevins
who is the Northern Ireland
correspondent for Sky News. Paul Buckle who worked at the station remembered
that KITS ‘when it was good it was very very good, when it was bad it was
bloody awful but still a fun station to listen to.’ [7]
Riverside 100.9mhzFM was operated by Frank McLaughlin located
south of the border, but with the station's broadcasts were aimed at Derry
stroke Londonderry . At one point the Irish Department
of Communications backed up by member of the Gardai arrived to raid the station
but the operators had been tipped off and fled across the border into Northern Ireland .
Steve Marshall who worked for the station at that time recounted,
‘One day we received a visited from the Dublin based Department of
Communications. The transmitter itself was located on a raft in a river, which
straddled the border, although the studios were located within Derry City
boundaries. The DOC and Gardai (the Irish Police force) turned up with their
jeeps only to be told by me that they did not have any jurisdiction in Northern Ireland .
We called the RUC, (The police from Northern Ireland ) and the funniest
sight was the man from the DOC trying to tell the RUC Sergeant where the Border
The station was eventually raided and closed
in June 1991.
Energy 106 had their site located at Greagh in North County
Monaghan known locally as Alien
Mountain . Energy operated
a 6kW transmitter. The station was closed in 2005 following a raid from Comreg[8]
after pressure from the British authorities to tackle the issue.
Even with the new legislation in 1988 pirate stations
continued to be launched to broadcast into Northern Ireland . Magic 105 began broadcasting on
November 15th 1999 with its last broadcast on 11 May 2007 when the station's
transmitter was seized by the Irish authorities from the Brougan Mountains ,
close to the original site used by many border blasters.
At time the state broadcaster put pressure on the Government
to tackle pirate radio yet the national station became the criminal in the eyes
of many in Europe . RTE had been granted the
long wave frequency of 254khz by the European Broadcasting Union. In 1984,
Chris Cary made an audacious attempt to use the frequency to set up a powerful
station to broadcast into the British mainland. Cary ,
a former Radio Caroline DJ had set up the successful yet illegal Radio Nova in Dublin in 1981 quickly garnering a 40% share of the
listening audience and with the lax and porous Irish laws Nova blossomed into
the most successful and exciting radio station in Dublin .
Cary saw an opportunity for his Nova brand to access the UK
market and opened advertising sales offices on Church Street, Liverpool with the
station announcing that it was ‘broadcasting from Dublin’ instead of
‘broadcasting to Dublin’ but following raids on the station reverted to the ‘to
Dublin’ slogan. Radio Nova was broadcasting British news weather and traffic
reports. As one Irish commentator put it, ‘what would a guy in inner city Dublin want to know about the traffic jams in the West
Midlands of England ’.
In 2000 Radio Luxembourg
announced it was pulling out of the UK
market and in October 2001 Atlantic 252 was
sold to Teamtalk Radio for £2m with the station's last pop broadcast at 5p.m.
on December 20th 2001. The last show on Atlantic
was a Tribute show produced by Enda Caldwell and
Eric Murphy celebrating
the station's 12-year history of broadcasting and featuring classic airchecks
of each year of Atlantic 252's history. The station then transitioned to
automation, and continued broadcasting music without continuity, along with
pre-booked commercials, until 12 midnight on 2 January 2002, when transmissions
One former presenter Robin Banks, more familiar today as the
voice over for ‘Mythbusters’ said:
“I didn’t realise until years later
that I was a part of a radio revolution that people still ask me about today.
I’m so proud to have been involved with the real and original Atlantic 252.
During my time there I can honestly say I worked with the best. It taught me a
lot and I realised there was a lot more to this animal called radio than I
RTE currently operate the 252 frequency as a relay of the
main Radio One channel aimed at the Irish Diaspora in the United Kingdom .
Further Reading
The Launch of Atlantic 252
The Closure of Atlantic 252 and a Special Tribute programme
by Enda Cauldwell
Robert Silvey’s ‘Who’s Listening, The Story of Audience
Research at the BBC’
Leonard Plugge’s influence in Irish Radio pre World War 2
Crossing the Ether: Public Service Radio and Commercial
Competition in Britain with
special reference to Pre-War Broadcasting by Professor Sean Street from Bournemouth University UK .
© Eddie Bohan 2018
[1] ‘Rebel
Radio’ published 2016 by Kilmainham Tales Teo
[2] RTE
Archives and Irish Radio News Review
[3] The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom :
Volume II by Asa Briggs
Historical Oireachtas Debates of the Irish Parliament ‘Dail Eireann’
[5] Irish Government
State Papers
[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeRKp-O9TOI
[7] The DX
[8] The
Irish Communications Regulator
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