Tuesday 11 June 2013


I spotted this advertisement for Today FM at Blackrock Dart station yesterday. What strikes you as odd about the photo used?
This is Cork born Matt Cooper posing on a London styled taxi, that is painted in New York cab colours. It featured a rugby player and Rugby is an English game the invention of William Webb Ellis in 1823. The cab has a running board similar to the gangster movies of the prohibition era in the United States.
There are clearly too many passengers for this cab. The nurse has a stethescope invented in France. The 3D glasses are an American creation,popcorn has its origins in Peru, South America and the electronic megaphone is a 1954 US invention.
The runner is wearing sneakers an American product while the businesswoman is wearing high heels a European fashion creation with origins in the Middle East.
The show is sponsored by Irish Life who are owned by a Canadian firm.
So thats what I got out of Today FM today, not much Irishness for the national independent broadcaster.

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